Bill and Bob attempted to do this podcast in front of a live audience at the Amish Bird Symposium. Bob was a Turkey and forgot to press record! We recorded this in our outdoor studio at Bobʼs house a few days later. We have so much great information on the wild turkey that we decided to break it into three podcasts. Photos thanks to Lisa Keys and John Howard.
Our sources for this episode include:
- The Word Detective
- 14 Fun Facts about Turkeys
- What is a bird’s snood?
- Eight Wild Facts About Wild Turkeys

Bill, Bob and Beth (photo by Lisa Keys)

Wild Turkey (photo by John Howard)
Thanks for your 2-part series on Wild Turkeys. A good friend of mine who is obsessed with Wild Turkeys has taught me that the males (Toms & Jakes) are the ones who produce J-shaped scat and the females (hens) produce the tight spiral shaped scat. He explained the reason for this is that the females sit on the nests and want to stay there for as long as possible. The result is that they hold their scat for as long as possible which tightens up the scat. The males go whenever!
Thanks for clearing up the mystery of wild turkey scat. I love the story because now I will not get it mixed up.
Bob and I really enjoyed Turkeys, part 1! Eager to hear the rest of the story too.
keep up the good work guys!
Glad you liked it!