Turkey Tail mushrooms are everywhere! Gia admits that mushrooms may be her favorite things in nature. Learn all about one of the most common and easy to find mushrooms.
Special thanks to Michael Kuo for use of his Turkey Tail photo.
Our sources for this episode include:
- Michael Kuo’s take on turkey tail / Trametes versicolor: The Turkey Tail (MushroomExpert.Com)
- Good explanation of medicinal properties / How to Make Turkey Tail Mushroom Powder
- Tom Volk’s take on turkey tail / Fungus of the Month for August 1997 (wisc.edu)
- Nicholas Money’s paper “Are Mushrooms Medicinal?” (2016 PubMed (nih.gov)
- Coriolus versicolor | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (mskcc.org)

Thanks for another great podcast! So much great information about Turkey Tails. I had no idea there was so much research being done on the medicinal uses – really interesting!
This was really fun and informative for me. Gia is a wonderful combination of knowledge and enthusiasm!