A while back my sister Suzanne called me. She was excited because a pair of mourning doves had nested on an upstairs window ledge of her house. As it happens I was reading David Sibley’s book What It’s Like to be a Bird: From Flying to Nesting, Eating, to Singing What Birds are Doing and Why.
My sister is a great lover of books so I made her an offer I knew she could not refuse. I suggested that I would send her a copy of the book if she would put together some questions that I might use in this interview. Suzanne has never to my knowledge passed up the opportunity to read a book she is interested in so she quickly agreed.
A few weeks later she sent me this email: “I really enjoyed reading What It’s Like to be a Bird. As you know, I am not someone who spends much time thinking about birds and my knowledge of them is very limited, but I like them and found this book to be a great source of information for someone like me. I am very impressed that Sibley did both the text and the illustrations, which are great. So here are some general questions and questions about mourning doves, which may or may not be of use to you.”
Hope you enjoy the interview!
Related episode: Mourning Doves
Our sources for this episode include:
- Sibley Guides
- What It’s Like to Be a Bird by David Sibley
Today’s episode is sponsored by Cinfed Credit Union. You have questions, Cinfed has answers! Providing financial services for more than 85 years to a wide area around Cincinnati. Become a member at cinfed.com!

Thank y’all so much for this episode! It was such a treat. My best friend (who loves nature but isn’t a naturalist or birder) has been sending me updates all spring about the mourning doves nesting on her porch. She’s been telling me she’s starting to get interested in birds, and I think the dove will be her spark bird!! The mourning dove was indeed my spark bird years ago (it’s my only tattoo)! I shared this episode with her and I’m going to try to have her read Sibley’s book so she can be interested in joining the birding community 🙂 thanks again!!
That is so great that the mourning dove is the spark bird for both you and your best friend! I hope your friend reads Sibley’s book. It is nice because you can read about a few birds at a time. I have it on a table and often pick it up for a few minutes at a time.
Hi Bob, I revisited this episode and decided to check out the Sibley book from my local library. It is great on so many levels. The artwork is phenomenal – he captures the essence of each bird. Love that he has the Bald Eagle ripping prey apart with its talons. And the information he provides which is unique to each bird is very entertaining. I’ve looked at so many field guides on birds that are useful, but not fun reads. He also provides pages and pages of sources so that you can dig deeper on a particular area of interest. I have learned something new about each bird I’ve read about – with many more to go.
Thanks for the podcast – you are my spark human. Pam
Hi Pam, So glad you love the Sibley book! I love it because it is a gateway for people who are interested and curious about birds. Thanks for saying I am your spark human! Bob