Some people get upset when they see signs of moles but not the Nature Guys. Find out all the amazing attributes of this little creature.
Step outside and stay awhile
by Lisa 4 Comments
Some people get upset when they see signs of moles but not the Nature Guys. Find out all the amazing attributes of this little creature.
by Lisa 2 Comments
Dandelion with falcate orange tip
Dandelions may be an eyesore to some but not to us. In fact we like them so much we eat them!
An annual dandelion festival is held in Ohio Amish Country in early May. You can taste dandelion wine and lots of other dandelion foods! Learn more at Breitenbach Winery’s website.
Picture by John Howard
by Lisa 2 Comments
Bill and Bob spend three days together leading wildflower hikes. They both take away some valuable lessons.
by Lisa 2 Comments
Listen in as we explore the fascinating world of the hummingbird – the only bird that can truly hover.
Follow the hummingbird migration at Learn how to make your own hummingbird nectar without red dye at
Photo by John Howard
Join Bill and Bob as they explore the world of the masked bandits who can create both havoc and hilarity as they invade the human world.
Learn more about raccoon tracks at
Photo by John Howard
by Lisa 3 Comments
Bill is all excited about spring fungi. Join us to learn about three types of fungi that you can find on your next walk in the woods.
Dryad’s saddle
Scarlet cup
by Lisa 3 Comments
Jake and Sarah just found a bat in their house for the third time! Listen in as Bill and Bob explore bats and some possible solutions to Jake and Sarah’s dilemma.
Be sure to read Jake’s followup “Bats! The Sequel I Never Wanted to Write” on our listeners’ stories page.
Photo by John Howard
Turns out the tree of heaven is not so heavenly! Tune in to find out all about the tree that is not a blessing!
Visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website to learn more about the tree of heaven.
Judy has a mockingbird problem and it is Nature Guys to the rescue! Find out what Bill and Bob come up with to solve the problem.
Bill’s favorite season is spring and in this episode Bill and Bob share some amazing stories about wildflowers.
Did you know that ants are dispersing wildflower seeds? Turns out the ants are after elaiosomes which are the fleshy appendages that are found on many seeds. Tune in to hear more about these inspiring plants.
Visit the Arc of Appalachia’s website at to learn about their annual wildflower hikes.