In this episode the discussion turns toward the horticulture industry and the impact working with plants has had overtime. Bob, Greg and Sam then turn to examine the branch of Ornamental Horticulture and its culpability in the mass production and distribution of non-native plants around the world. While this trend continues, new options of planting with native plants and the idea of cultivating native plants at home for the sake of conservation are introduced.
Related Episodes: Lawns, Invasive Plants, Seeds on the Move, Invasive Plants Part 1, Invasive Plants Part 2
For more information, we recommend these resources:
- National Invasive Species Council
- Mt. Cuba Center Trial Garden
- Invasive Plant Species and the Ornamental Horticulture Industry
- “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Fantastic shows on invasive plants. I’m looking forward to listening to part 3 this morning.
A quick story. As my daughter, Jaime, and I were hiking in the UW Madison Arboretum last spring we noticed “stuff” falling everywhere. It was a sunny day so it definitely wasn’t rain. But it was spring and something cool was happening.
After some discussion and further observation we figured out the origin of this manna from the sky. Or rather manna from the trees. Caterpillars! There must have been millions!
Their excrement was falling everywhere. On our heads. On leaves of plants. All over. These caterpillars would fill the bellies of many a baby bird. I’m sure also that the caterpillar poop was also nourishing the soil.
As a naturalist I study nature wherever I can and am particularly interested in birds. I try to instill the love of everything nature in my 25 year old daughter. That day was a great teaching moment: a lesson in ecology, co-evolution, habitat, invasives, birds, etc.
So exciting!
That’s why I love your podcast.
Thanks so much!
Great story! Sounds like your daughter knows how lucky she is to have a naturalist father!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy the entire series!