Bob sits down with Greg and Sam to discuss one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, invasive plants. It’s such a dense topic that we decided to break it up into 4 separate episodes. In part 1, we introduce the concept of native and non-native invasive plants. Greg and Sam provide a big picture perspective on the human systems that are driving the spread of invasive plants and invite you to join us in starting a more meaningful conversation around invasive plants and their impact on our environment.
Related Episodes: Invasive Plants, Walnut Woods
For more information, we recommend these resources:
- Book: Invasive Plants: Guide to Identification and the Impacts and Control of Common North American Species by Sylvan Ramsey Kaufman & Wallace Kaufman
- Invasive and Exotic Species of North America
- National Association of Invasive Plant Councils (check out what is happening in your state around invasive species management)
- UN Invasive Alien Species Report

I too have fond memories of seeing lightning bugs when I was a kid. And I used to see a lot of bumble bees. I don’t see lightning bugs at all now where I live. I think they got eliminated by pesticides and loss of habitat. It is sad – and why we all need to get on board to help the planet.
Thanks for all the invasive species information. Very helpful and worth sharing with others.
Glad you find it useful. Thanks for helping spread the word about invasive species!
Great 4 part series on invasive species! I’m going to share a website with you here in the hopes that you’ll contact Mary Reynolds.
ARK is the acronym for Acts of Restorative Kindness (toward the Earth). I am convinced that all of you would benefit from and greatly enjoy the conversation. Mary Reynolds was the youngest ever recipient of the design prize at the Chelsea Garden Show years ago. She has since turned completely away from those design approaches and has created the ARK movement of rewilding even on the smallest scale. Please find each other!
Enthusiastically yours, Dawn Murphy
Hi Dawn, As fate with have it I saw the movie about Mary Reynolds last year and read her book We Are the Ark. I agree that she is truly inspiring person and would be a great person promote on Nature Guys.