Bob looks outside and notices that all the birds are suddenly gone from his bird feeders. He soon discovers the reason. A Cooper’s Hawk is on the ground right next to the feeders. Learn all about this amazing bird in this episode. Photos thanks to Mark Applebaum.
Our sources for this episode include:
- Kids’ Inquiry of Diverse Species
- 8 Interesting Facts about the Cooper’s Hawk
- The Raptor Trust Accipiters
- Cooper’s Hawk Life History
- Predator Management for small and backyard poultry flocks
- Hawk Mountain
I absolutely love your podcast! I discovered you this summer and now eagerly await each episode. Having just discovered this website, I now see I have more podcasts to access. Any chance you will be doing an episode on the fox? We have a fox den nearby, which brought tremendous excitement last spring but we are now having fox related issues.
Just wanted to thank you both! I’m not one to typically comment but wanted you to know that what you do matters. I am a more informed backyard enthusiast, a more insightful grandma, and have an even greater appreciation for the magnificence of creation. Thank you for investing in others.
Carol as it happens I am reading your comment on my birthday! I cannot think of a better gift. Thanks for taking the time to write to us!
We will be doing an episode on the fox in the next month or so. If you want to share your issues with fox send us an email at and we will try to include it in the episode.