Thanks to all who entered our contest to celebrate cicadas as described in the episode Cicadas, 17 Years to Awesome. We are deeply impressed by all of the entries! Check out the episode Cicada Contest to hear discussion of all the entries and the announcement of the winners!
Zac – drawing and a picture from 2004
2004 when Zac was 6
Caylin – drawing

Karen – Haikus
Cicada’s emerge
“Step outside and stay a while”
Nature’s soirée
Warm wet earth below
Cicada’s awakening
Chirping melody
Kristel – rain barrel art from the Cincinnati Zoo’s annual rain barrel project
Lacey and her kids (who are regular listeners) – art and a story
Winner of the kid’s category!
From Griffin (age 9) From Simon (almost 7)
Griffin’s story: A Super Cicada
One upon a time there was a baby cicada. He lived underground. One day when he was 17 years old, he went to the surface, climbed up a tree, and shed his shell. Then he fell in love.
One day a human took him to his house and put him on a frying pan. He was going to be lunch! He was hurt but just managed to escape, find his love, and make babies.
Robin – art
Note: Robin’s art is available for sale at

Chico – poem
Oh, to be but a slumbering beast
that is dormant to the terrors of your lore.
In anticipation of your satiation
The bark grows weary and frightful to its core.
Oh, to be but a magical beast
That awakens from a decade of night.
Like a colorful gem
That ignores the requiem.
A display of resilience and might.
Oh, to witness the devouring feast
Of the wondrous cicada.
The song of alarm
The form of a swarm
The sight of the alpha and the omega.
Lissa and her kids – artwork
Lissa is Nature Guys’ artist. Learn more on our About Us page.
From Dominic (age 14) From Emily (age 11)

Gordon – Drawing

Amanda – nature journal
Winner of the adult category!
“I’ve been nature journaling for about a year now, daily since the beginning of spring. Although we don’t get the periodical cicadas here in Utah, I listened to your cicada episode and found them quite fascinating. I added them to my journal anyway, as it is still something nature-related I learned about this spring.
As I was painting the life stages of the cicada, my son (6) came over and said, “those look creepy!” I said, “They can look a little scary, but they are really quite cool!” I proceeded to tell him all the interesting facts I had learned from your episode. By the end of our conversation, he said “I wish I could have one for a pet!” This is why I also love sharing as much as I can about wildlife, with anyone who will listen. The more you know, the more you care. “